Posted in Citizenry

The lesser evil

One week into the presidential election.
Yet i’ve never felt this antipathy toward an election.
That for the first time since i’m eligible to vote, i was contemplating golput.

Because i’m not a fan of the options.
And for me who’s always voted for the one i liked/the better one, opting for the lesser evil is simply not in my book. And that it is what i need to do this time around… doesn’t sit well with me.

Albeit being touted as the people’s democracy party, and the only chance where we can determine who’s gonna lead the country, we have no say whatsoever in who’s gonna run. It’s all the power play of the political parties, while we’re left with whatever those higher-ups settle on, and yet we’re painted as the decision-maker.

Otherwise, there’s no way we want to see the same face(s) for two decades, when we often wish for so-called “change”. Like, i wonder why we constituted a two-term limit of presidency but not candidacy?

Karena rasanya tidak mungkin kita akan meloloskan tiga calon dengan rekam jejak kelamnya masing-masing:
1 pemecah belah bangsa dengan memolitisasi agama dan ras
2 pelanggar HAM berat dan haus kekuasaan
3 penghancur mimpi anak muda dan perekonomi lokal

I can never forget how dirty and divisive the 2017 gubernatorial election was. Khotbah-khotbah penuh kebencian yg ditoakan ke seluruh lingkungan, spanduk-spanduk yg menolak menshalatkan pemilih cagub yg tidak seagama, pidato pelantikan yg menyinggung soal “pribumi”, lontaran insensitifnya tentang banjir (“Oh, masih banjir ya? Kirain sudah engga.”), realisasi janji kampanye yg jauh panggang dari api (misal stop reklamasi yg ‘hanya’ mencabut izin 13 dari 17 pulau, DP 0 rupiah yg hanya mencapai 1% target unit hingga akhir masa jabatannya, kualitas dan akses jalan JIS yg tidak sesuai standar FIFA, kelebihan bayar Formula E, dst), keputusannya mengurangi transportasi umum di awal pandemi yg membuat komuter berdesakan dan kasus melonjak lalu terlambat menarik rem darurat. Yang paling ganggu mungkin adalah polusi suara yg mengisi kompleks rumah sejak afiliasi radikalnya kembali ke tanah air di akhir 2020. Dulu masih suka terdengar sayup-sayup lonceng di hari minggu atau hari besar, tapi sekarang apapun hari rayanya, dari senin sampai minggu, dari subuh sampai tengah malam, yg terdengar nyaring hanyalah toa… padahal sudah ada pedoman penggunaan yg dikeluarkan oleh Menteri Agama.

Gotta admit he has a silver tongue, though. Even i fell for it in 2014. Beberapa kali sempat baca kalau banyak yg terbantu dengan JakLingko (salah satu contoh pergantian nama yg banyak dilakukan di eranya) dan bahwa beliau ada gubernur yg paling banyak membangun gereja di Jakarta. Terus tempat ibadah lain? Agama di Indonesia kan ga cuma dua. Soalnya aku ada dengar cerita pengurus agama lain yg mengeluhkan sulitnya turunnya dana untuk kegiatan keagamaan mereka… Namun bagiku yg seorang sustainability enthusiast, pergub 142/2019 tentang pelarangan penggunaan kantong plastik sekali pakai sangat kuhargai, meskipun sampai sekarang plastik kresek masih mudah dijumpai di mana-mana, alternatifnya menimbulkan masalah sampah baru, dan kesadaran masyarakat soal isu sampah masih tergolong rendah.

Going further back to 1998. I was too young to understand the weight of the situation, i didn’t even remember if i went to school that day, but i still remember the apprehension in the air. How that feeling is still etched on my memory, how many families still haven’t gotten their closures much less justice, and how those allegedly responsible are never tried much less atone for their crimes, even after Jokowi admitted it as one of 12 serious past human rights violations last November and promised to restore the victims’ rights “fairly and wisely without negating judicial resolution” (quoted translation from BBC). Ironically, he let/made/enabled his eldest son to qualify for RI-2 after barely 3 years as a mayor and despite being under 40 through a constitutional amendment. Even funnier is the fact that this controversial amendment still stands although the Ketua MK who happens to be his in-law was soon removed from his position due to seriously violating the code of ethics in his involvement in the decision-making. Katanya pemerintah berkomitmen memberantas KKN (korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme), tapi lewat satu manuver ini saja, sudah dua yg diterabas…

Yg paling baru adalah statement capres gemoy yg bilang banyak aset/pabriknya yg mandek tidak dapat kredit karena beliau tidak berkuasa 20 tahun… padahal lahannya ada 500,000 hektar dan harta kekayaannya lebih dari 2 triliun. Hmm.

Jujur, aku paling ga familiar dengan sepak terjang paslon nomor 3 karena aku bukan warga Jawa Tengah dan jarang dengar/baca berita tentang kepemimpinannya. Tapi aku yakin berita baik maupun buruk yg perlu keketahui pada akhirnya akan sampai ke aku juga.

Isu yg sering lewat tentang beliau adalah konflik agraria di Desa Wadas karena proyek penambangan batu andesit serta pernyataannya tentang lulusan terbaik universitas perguruan tinggi harusnya menjadi dosen dan bukan MC atau jurnalis. Bagiku, yg paling besar adalah penolakannya sebagai kepala daerah terhadap kehadiran timnas Israel di Piala Dunia U-20 (terlepas dari genosida yg tengah/masih berlangsung di Gaza hingga detik ini), yg berakhir dengan dibatalkannya Indonesia dari tuan rumah dan peserta dua bulan sebelum hari H. Aku ga bisa membayangkan bagaimana perasaan skuad merah putih yg sudah mempersiapkan diri selama dua tahun, berapa banyak kerugian yg harus ditelan vendor cendera mata, akomodasi, airline, venue, dll, dan siapa yg bertanggungjawab menanggung/mengganti-rugi semua ini. Aku pribadi merasa insiden ini mencoreng nama baik bangsa dan negara sebagai penyelenggara event olahraga internasional.

Seeing these murky track records, i ended up making my choice by elimination process: which/whose sins are more tolerable. Whose character is more bearable. Who may have an ounce more integrity.

It’s sad that i had to resort to this, but unfortunately, that’s the situation we’re in. I can’t afford to abstain, but i don’t think scrutinizing their visions, missions, and programs matter… much, if at all. Who can guarantee they will be realized, and if they all won’t join hands at the end of the day? Merujuk pada pemerintahan sekarang, tokoh-tokoh yg kerja bagus dan disukai masyarakat tidak diteruskan, sedangkan mereka yg tidak terpilih/dulunya oposisi/bereputasi buruk malah mendapat jatah menteri dll. Which honestly insulted the people’s votes. Because then, what’s the point?

But then, no matter how good or different or promising a politician is, it’s only a matter of time before they show their true face and disillusion you. And no matter how kind or smart or inspiring a public figure seems to be, it’s only a matter of time before they reveal their ignorance, insensitiveness, and entitlement despite their privileges. They’ll all eventually turn out the same in the face of power and money. I’ve been burned many times with such seemingly well intentions and aptitudes, that now there’s only a handful that i still regard positively; i’ve also lost faith in silent majority being reasonable to vote rationally and wisely… though deep down inside, i still hang onto that hope that they will. And that this city and country will be better, safer, more comfortable, tolerant, and livable 🙏🤞

Tapi jangan lupa, tanggal 14 Februari nanti kita ga hanya memilih presiden dan wakil presiden tetapi juga anggota legislatif yg terdiri dari DPR, DPD, DPRD Provinsi, DPRD Kabupaten/Kota. Total, ada 5 surat suara yg akan dicoblos. Aku masih mengulik untuk calon-calon di dapilku dan untuk informasi lainnya.

Terus, bagi yg perlu dan belum pindah TPS, buruan urus! Hari ini, 7 Februari, terakhir loh!

~pictures are embedded from freepik and depositphotos~


I blog sometimes, gush ofttimes, snark all the time.

2 thoughts on “The lesser evil

  1. Oh, so you are having a presidential election too. We just had the 2nd round of our’s today. Voting ended an hour ago, so I guess we’ll soon get confirmation who our next president will be. Not that anyone’s going to be surprised as he was in a good sized lead already after the advanced voting. I wasn’t too hot on any of the candidates but I guess I can live with this result.


    1. Oh, you already had yours? Our first round is in two days.

      “I guess I can live with this result.” — isn’t it a good thing? I hope i can say it too at the end of the day.


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